Discovery of India

Best Meditation Methods

Discovering the best meditation method for you is one of the highs you can experience in modern day life.

Too often, we are too stressed even to contemplate meditation, even though taking a few quiet minutes to meditate could be one of the best things we could do in our lives.

For the next week, experiment with a different meditation method each day and note down the effects. You'll then have a much clearer idea of the best meditation method for you.

  1. Breathing meditation. This is one of the simplest meditation techniques and focusing on your breathing is quick and easy.
  2. Walking meditation. Take a leisurely walk. Breathe in the air. Notice the sounds and smells!
  3. High tech meditation. Put on your headphones and a binaural beats track. Sit back and let the technology do the rest.
  4. Mantra meditation. Repeat your chosen mantra over and over, either out loud or in your head.
  5. Candle meditation. Light a candle somewhere safe, sit down and focus on the candle flame. Let all other thoughts drift out of your mind. Keep focussed on the flickering flame.
  6. Guided meditation. Put on your headphones and listen to a pre-recorded guided meditation talk you through the process of relaxing your body and clearing your mind.
  7. Mirror gazing. No, you're not doing an impression of Narcissus! Simply gaze into your reflected image. Focus on the wall just behind your head. Let all other thoughts fall out of your mind.

Your feelings and daily journal will help you to quickly come to a conclusion as to which meditation method is best for you. You may even decide to "ring the changes" and indulge in several different meditations according to the day of the week and the time available in your schedule.

Read my review of the one of best meditation methods I've come across to date at


Higher Consciousness