Discovery of India

Meditation Follows Concentration - Part 1

Meditation follows concentration. Concentration merges into meditation. Concentration is
holding the mind on to some particular object. An unbroken flow of knowledge in that subject is
meditation. Meditation is regular flow of thought with regard to the object of concentration.
Meditation opens the door of the mind to intuitive knowledge and many powers. You can get
whatever you want through meditation. During meditation all worldly thoughts are shut out from the mind. Meditation is called Dhyana in Sanskrit and is the seventh step in the Yogic ladder. In Lesson VII you were advised to keep a separate room for practicing Pranayama, isn’t it so? Well, the same room will also serve the purpose of meditation. In fact, one room will be quite sufficient for all spiritual practices—Asanas, Pranayama, Japa,27 Kirtan,28 concentration,
meditation, and so forth. The room should be regarded as a temple of God. You should not allow
anybody into the room. You should enter the room with a pious and reverent mind. Thoughts of
jealousy, lust, greed and anger should not be entertained within the four walls of the room. All
worldly talks, also should not be indulged in there. For every word that is uttered, every thought that is cherished and every deed that is done is not lost; they are reflected on the subtle layers of ether encircling the room where they are done and hence affect the mind invariably.
Decorate the room with inspiring pictures of great Saints, Sages, Prophets and World
Teachers. In a prominent place in the room keep a beautiful photo of your tutelary Deity
(Ishta-Devata), either Lord Jesus, Lord Krishna, Lord Siva or Devi. Let the Deity face the East or North. Spread your Asana (seat) in front of the Deity. Keep some religious and philosophical books such as the Bhagavad-Gita, the Upanishads, the Vedanta-Sutras, the Ramayana, the
Yoga-Vasishtha, the Bible, etc., by your side. Wash your face, hands and legs before you enter the room. Burn a piece of camphor and light some scented sticks immediately after entering the room. Sit on the Asana in front of the Deity and repeat the Name of the Lord or sing some devotional hymns. Then take to the practice of concentration and meditation.



Higher Consciousness