Discovery of India

the nature of the body is to be born - part 1

The nature of the body is to be born, decay and die.Don’t try to get calm or peaceful. Do just one thing. Watch the noting mind.If any questions come up in your mind just watch it and let go. e answer will come to you later.After you have watched your mind for years, you get to know it so well, recognise it so clearly; how stupid, tricky, jealous, foolish, covetous, bossy, overpowering, it can be and because you can be aware of it, it cannot carry you away.We cannot afford to be careless, always try to be very careful and use your sati as your compass.e mindful mind will always warn you when you are getting into trouble. No control, just simple bare awareness of mind. Can you hear the chattering, the monologue or dialogue going on in the mind, the comments, the judgements and so on.e mind is always tricky and craves for something, but is that what you really want to do? Run all day slaving for the mind?Just because many other people are running mindlessly after all kinds of stimulation?Watch how the mind creates its own problems. Most of our problems are mind made. Most problems will disappear just by the understanding of the mind.e present phenomenon is the only thing I have whether I like it or not. So it is more important for me.Having little distraction we can observe things easily. When you will become quite mindful you will know how to live your life. You will know what to do in any situation.Looking for satisfaction is looking for pain. Understanding this deeply we learn to let go.See how much you hurry yourself when you are upset. Be mindful. See anger as anger, not ‘my anger’.If you are upset because you enjoy music you are too demanding, you are asking and expecting too much of yourself.But if you see the enjoying mind and watch it with equanimity then only you will see it for what it is.Being upset which is a kind of aversion, is a close companion to greed and pride, because you think: ‘ I am a meditator so there shouldn’t be greed and pride arising in my mind.’But you should be thinking: ‘Now is a good chance for me to study and examine them!’A stream enterer still has greed and anger. But he has no identification with mind and body. Only non-returners and fully enlightened ones are free of greed and anger. Only the arahat is free from comparing oneself with others.Meditate also when you are restless when you think it’s impossible for you to meditate because your mind is crazy. at is the most important time for you to meditate.e Buddha said: ‘When the mind is restless he or she knows that the mind is restless’.You are not expected to do more than that. You don’t feel guilty because there is anger or greed, etc. You know anger or greed are happening, you don’t deceive your self.
From - Contemplation of the Mind


Higher Consciousness